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Pastoral / Ministerial

Pa1 - The Place Called "THERE" is Expecting YOU

If you keep saying "I'm not there yet", you will never arrive. Allow the Lord to lead and direct your life. He knows best.

Pa2 - Happy Birthday Pastor

Pastor, We celebrate your life today. We thank you for your leadership over this church body. Thank you for teaching us how to walk with Jesus Christ and how to live for him. We pray for continued growth in your spirit, soul, and body. We love you and will continue to support you in prayer and substance. May

the blessings of the Lord continue to overtake you until you see him Face to face. God bless you richly.

Pa3 - Congratulations Pastor

Mighty blessings be upon you O man of God. You are a man who will stand for Jesus; a man who is not afraid to preach the Gospel. Blessed are your feet for you walk with God and for God. Hallelujah! May

you continue to seek his face for everything. May your service to God provoke other ministers to come

up higher in their walk of faith. Father, cause the anointing on your son to increase. Let signs and

wonders bear witness in his ministry. Keep him safe from harm. Cause him to never slip, stumble or fall.

In Jesus Name. Amen.

Pa4 - Congratulations Deacon (Female)

This is a divine appointment. Your assignment should not be taken lightly because God knows what he is doing. Give your all to him who created you to be a mighty woman of God. May the Lord continue to strengthen you with might in your inner man and outer man. The journey is great but God will be with you. You are blessed to be a blessing.

Pa5 - A Single Act of Obedience Can Change a Life Forever

And Jesus did just that. Let Jesus change your life forever. Receive him as Lord and Savior today. Tell him to come into your heart and cleanse you from sin. Then thank him for making you new again.

Pa6 - Thank You Church Family

The looks of love • The words of love • Love smiles • A touch of love: hugs; a hand on my shoulder •

A laugh of love • Financial gifts of love • Your prayers of comfort for my family and me. • For all these seeds you sowed, I speak a bountiful increase into your lives. May you lack no good thing in

Jesus name.  Amen.

Pa7 - As You Pastor Your Church

I congratulate you on your divine appointment to pastor a church. With this assignment comes great responsibility. Whom God calls, he equips. Continue to trust and rely on His ability to prosper you.

Father, strengthen your son for the journey ahead.  May he know no defeat. As he remains humble

under your mighty hand exalt him. Let your anointing for leadership fall upon him even now as he reads this card. I give you praise for what you have done and what you are about to do. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Pa8 - In Appreciation of Our Pastor

Pastor, Thank you for teaching us submission through your own. Your model of leadership has always been Jesus Christ and we give the Lord praise for your life. We purpose in our hearts not to let your assignment at this church be a grievous one. We will continue to stand with you and support you. God bless you richly.

Pa9 - Congratulations Pastor (Female)

Congratulations on your spiritual appointment. With this new level of anointing comes greater responsibility.  But the Lord is with thee. There are many great women in the Bible who were leaders. Deborah was such a woman. Barak refused to go into battle unless Deborah was with him. There will be men who will not move unless you be with them. You already know that your marching orders come directly from God. May the Lord continue to sharpen your spiritual acuity. May you always hear what

thus says Lord. May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened in every situation that you face.

May the Lord continue to strengthen you with His might in your inner man and outer man. The journey

is great but our God has made provision. Hallelujah!

Pa10 - To A Pastor’s Wife

You have rendered to God that which was needful  for your husband to excel in the office of pastor.  You have understood Godly submission and it has caused peace to reign in your home.  May the Lord reward your faithfulness to Him as a pastor's wife and give you the desires of your heart as a daughter of Zion.

Pa11 - Thank You to a Pastor’s Wife

Behind every strong man is an equally strong woman. The Lord sees everything you do to make your husband's calling and election sure. The Lord knows what a sacrifice it is for you at times when he is

away from home. The Bible says that the eyes of the Lord roam to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong in behalf of those who hearts are upright toward him. His eye is upon you. May the Lord continue to be magnified in your life.

Pa12 - To The Praise and Worship Team

You have been called by God to usher his people into His holy presence. Thank you for your faithfulness. May the Lord continue to use you mightily as you yield yourselves to Him. To God be all the glory for

what He has and will do in your lives.

Pa13 - Thank You Pastor (Female)

Never forget that you are appreciated. We have a thriving Women's Ministry because you allowed God to use you. Your Father in heaven loves you so much and so do we. May God richly bless you for your labor of love. May the Lord continue to increase your ministry as you keep your eyes on Him.

In Jesus name. Amen.

Pa14 - We Love You Pastor

What an awesome responsibility you have shepherding so many people. Yet you find the time to make each of us feel special. You have given your heart freely and we just want to bless you. We pray that your light will continue to shine brighter and brighter with each new day. May the grace of Almighty God come upon you to strengthen you. May the peace of God which passes your understanding continue to guard your heart and your mind.

Pa15 - May God’s True Light Continue to Shine Upon You Pastor

Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for answering the call to come to minister here. Many of us, though we were going to church, did not know God in a deep and personal way as we do now. You have had such a profound impact on our lives. You have helped us to grow spiritually. Many ministries have been birthed from your loins. We are now able to go forth and make a difference worldwide. May God bless you richly for being a blessing to us.

Pa16 - To a Virtuous Woman

Thank you for allowing Pastor the freedom to be a blessing to the Body of Christ. When he goes out, he has to be able to come back to a home filled with love and peace. It is a great sacrifice on your part to provide this kind of atmosphere and it has not gone unnoticed. Showers of blessings be upon you as a daughter of God and a servant of God. May the Lord continue to be magnified in your life.

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