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The Life collection speaks to life's issues such as overcoming, enduring, being a blessing to someone, friendship and overcoming depression .

Li12 - You Are Not Alone, God is With You

There is always an exodus for every wilderness experience. You are coming out of this into your God-given destiny. The end is near. Keep your eyes on the Lord who is the health of your countenance. The Lord is with you and he will never leave nor forsake you. May the Lord shower you with his grace as you continue to seek his face. It may not seem like it right now, but you will smile again. I’m available whenever you need me. Let’s pray about it.

Li10 - Laugh and Feel Better

A good dose of laughter is an excellent source of healing for your body.

Li9 - A Home Where God Dwells

Thank you for making your home a sanctuary for the Spirit of God to dwell continually. We all need a
place to escape at times from the cares of this world and enjoin ourselves with a company of believers
who God can use to help us regroup and get refreshed. It is so easy to enter into God's presence here.
Your love for God is pure and holy. Your lives have been living epistles and we see Jesus. Father, rain down
an anointing of love, peace and prosperity upon this house and those that dwell here. Strengthen them in
spirit, soul, and body.

Li8 - Thinking About You

Today I am thinking about you and thanking God for your life. He allowed our paths to cross for a divine
purpose. He has used you to cause me to be a better human being. May the blessings of the Lord which
make us rich and add no sorrow, be yours now and forever. May you continue to be a fruit bearing tree of

Li7 - I Ask For Your Forgiveness

I am sorry that I offended you. I confess before Almighty God and you, that I will not hurt you like that
again. Please accept my apology. I pray that what the enemy sought to destroy between us has been
mended by these words. I look forward to hearing from you when you are ready.

Li6 - Thanks for the Encouragement

You always have a kind word for me when I see you. The joy that is in me begins to build in expectation of
what you will say. Your words are always seasoned with salt.  It is my prayer that you will never lose your
flavor.  The Christ in you brings out the Christ in me.

Li5 - Don’t Bury Your Gift

The World Needs What You Have.


There is nothing too hard for the one that is blessed with excellence. The seed of greatness has come to
birth. Soar mighty eagle, soar!

Li3 - Endurance

May the grace of Almighty God come upon you and sustain you through your trial. The end of it is victory.

Li2 - Encouragement (for a student)

Today I am thinking about you and thanking God for your life. Allow God's divine purpose to be fulfilled in
your life. Remember that you have the mind of Christ and everything that you need to know is already on
the inside of you by the Spirit of God. May the unction of academic excellence rest upon you and remain.
May you continue to be a fruit- bearing tree of righteousness in Jesus name. Amen.

Li1 - You Shall Break Forth and Blossom

You are a unique flower in God's field. Zechariah 10:1 says that God will make bright clouds and cause
them to rain on every blade of grass in the field. Hallelujah! Your time is not yet but it shall come.
Though it tarries wait for it. Drink in the rain of God's word and let your roots grow deep. At the
appointed time you shall spring forth and no man or demon can stop it. God is faithful who has called
you and he will not change his mind about what he has purposed for you to become and to do.  Let the
fruit of patience be stirred up. Godly patience is remaining constant even though everything around
you is in turmoil. I will continue to make mention of you in my prayers. May the grace of Almighty God
be with you at this very hour to sustain you until you reach your expected end, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Li25 - You Are a Blessing

I commend you on your selfless dedication to the ministries that you are involved in. I have watched your
walk with the Lord and  it has provoked me. From beginning to end you tend to God's business, asking for
nothing in return. Your diligence is inspiring. I pray that the Lord, who looks deep into our hearts, will
fulfill a desire that you have been believing him for. May God's peace and love remain over you in Jesus
Name. Amen. 

Li24 - We Appreciate Your Years of Godly Service

The bible says that the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor. We honor you for many
years of selfless and dedicated service. You have ministered to us with love, kindness, humility and
faithfulness. You have always been available whenever we needed you. You are God's perfect gift to this
church. We thank you for being a wonderful pastor and friend. May the Father which sees in secret
reward you openly. We pray for long life, peace and prosperity in Jesus Name. Amen.

Li23 - You’re in the Winner’s Circle

Continue to hold onto the victor's cup.

Li22 - You Will Be Employed

I send this card to encourage you and to remind you that the Lord will not forsake the righteous. He will
not have them begging. God is a God of love because this is His nature. God's love gives. I come in
agreement with you that the windows of heaven are open unto you and the blessings are coming. May
you find employment speedily, in Jesus Name. May the job that the Lord has picked just for you cause you
to prosper beyond your imagination. Be at peace and rest assured that God will come through for you.
Give the Lord a shout of praise as an act of your faith in Him. If you need me I am available.

Li21 - It's Been a While Since We've Talked to Each Other.
Let's Tie Up the Phone Lines.

Hey Friend, Let's never get too busy that we don't take time to call one another. You have been on mind
and I pray that it is well with you. Let's get together real soon.

Li20 - Let Not Your Heart be Troubled, The Lord Will Give You Peace

The Bible talks about the birds not worrying about where they are going to live or what they are going to
eat. God simply provides for them. How much more us who he has made a little lower than Himself.
Receive the peace of God concerning your life today. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Put all the
care of your life in His hands. Father, let the person reading this card sense your presence right now to
help them through this present trial that they are facing. Give them a blessed assurance that you and you
alone will take them through to victory.

Li19 - Good Friends are like old shoes, they’re just comfortable with each other

I thank God that you are a part of my life. We have laughed together and cried together. It is an honor to
call you my friend.  May God's purposes be fulfilled in your life. May you live long and prosper.

Li18 - May the Spirit of the Lord Dwell in Your New Home

Because the Lord only gives us good gifts, your home will stand the test of time. May it always be filled
with life, love, and laughter.

Li17 - Congratulations on Your New Home

May the presence of the Lord be with you and surround you. May the angels given charge over you protect
you. May your home be a sanctuary of joy and peace. 

Li16 - To A Great American

Congratulations to one of our newest United States citizens. May you continue to enjoy every right and
privilege that comes with being an American.

Li15 - Put Your Trust in the Lord

In His hand we find safety and His name is a strong tower. In His hand we don't have to be afraid because
who can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. In His hand we find strength because His
strength is made perfect in our weakness. Roll all the care of your life over to him because he cares for
you watchfully and affectionately. Don't be afraid to give him complete control. Those that trust in the
Lord will not be ashamed.

Li14 - This Storm Will Pass

The rainbow was a sign of the covenant that God had made with Noah. Because you have a better
covenant with Jesus Christ made in his blood, know for a certainty that the sun will shine again upon
your life. Your enemy is the Lord's enemy and Jesus has defeated him completely. Jesus is the name
above every name and everything and everyone must bow to his name. There is lifting up for you. I speak
into your life that you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ. For your shame, you shall have
double. May the Lord restore to you more than you have lost. Your warfare is over. It has been
accomplished through Jesus. Amen.

Li13 - Use the Obstacles That You Face as Stepping Stones to Success.
Always Remember That the Lord is With You.

Speak to the mountain and it shall be removed. God always backs up his word when it is spoken in faith.
You shall possess the mountains in your life in Jesus Name. May the Lord infuse you with his strength so
that you can press on to victory. I will continue to support you in prayer and in any other way that you
need. May the Lord richly bless you.

Li11 - Faith Makes All Things Possible

Faith is the force that brings every promise of God to pass in your life. Hold on to what you believe. Do

not cast away your confidence because the answer to your prayer is on the way.  It doesn't matter what

the devil is saying. God is going to get the last word. Hallelujah! May the grace of God cause your joy

and your hope to be renewed as you wait expectantly for the manifestation of his word.

Li26 - God Loves You! YOU Are Not Junk! YOU Are Not Trash! YOUR Life is Not a Waste!

YOU ARE PRECIOUS IN THE SIGHT OF GOD! You are important to Him. He allowed you to be born for such a time as this. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by Him. It doesn’t matter how your life began. It doesn’t matter who rejected you. You are accepted in the love of God. He intended for you to be here. He has a plan for your life. Give God a chance to show you who you really are. He is God, Creator of the heaven and the earth and everything that dwells on earth is His. You belong to Him. YOU! This world needs you and the gifts and talents that only you can bring to it. Come to God by coming to Jesus His Son. Tell Him to come into your heart and take over. The burden you carry inside you is too much for you. Let Him carry it. Let Him hold your hand and lead you to that place of peace and rest. It doesn’t matter how you start but how you finish. Let’s talk about it. 

Li27 - God’s Love is Like the Ocean … Unending

God has been talking to you but you have not been paying attention to His voice. So He sent me to tell you that He loves you. He said that His love has no bounds. Have you ever stood on the beach and looked out at the ocean? There seems to be no end to it. That is a picture of God’s love for you. It is endless love. It is a love that is unconditional. You don’t have to do anything to earn it. He simply loves you. You may be saying to yourself. “After all the things I’ve done wrong God still loves ME?” Yes, God loves you. He knows you better than you know yourself. He has been speaking to you for a while. He is right there with you now. Just tell Him you want to hear what He has to say. Feel his warmth surrounding you like a cloak. Let His love saturate your soul. Give His love a chance to work in you. Life gets better when you know you are loved. 

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