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Father's Day


Lord, Bless our grandfather right now. We thank you for giving him a long and prosperous life. We
thank you for his continued health and strength. Thank you for making him such a loving person and
fun to be with. Lord, let him sense the abundance of your love for him through us.


You are a winner! Whatever comes your way in this life you are an overcomer in Christ. Your faith in
God has been accounted to you for righteousness. Continue to stand strong believing that God is in
complete control. I thank God for your life and for having you as my father-in-law.


A strong man is dependent on God for his strength. • An honest man finds truth in God's word. •

A man of honor bears the image of Christ. • A man whose home is stable has allowed the Lord to build it. •
A man of great character is one who has submitted himself to God. • It is an honor to be your wife.


You are the best daddy in the whole wide world. Today I will be the best daughter that I can be so that
you can enjoy your day. I will even get you your slippers. Only remember, after tomorrow, I will return
to my old self again. I love you so much. May God bless you.

Fa5 - Baby and Bottles and Bibs Oh My!

We are so happy for you and thank God for your lives. The Lord equips those that he appoints so you
have all that you need to raise your child in the ways of the Lord. May your quiver be full to the overflow
with children. To God be all the glory, honor and praise for what he has done.

Fa6 - To My Spiritual Father

Pastor, You have impacted my life is such a powerful way. I have grown so much under your leadership.
The Lord has blessed you with a powerful teaching anointing which has caused me to be rooted and
grounded in the Word. Thank you for covering me in your prayers. It is my prayer that the Father of all
spirits would grant you the desires of your heart. You are precious in His sight. May you always touch
the core of our Father's heart. God bless you richly.


This is the day to give you special honor for being an excellent father. You are a man of good moral
character and your positive outlook on life has helped shape me into the person that I am today. I am
grateful for all the encouragement you gave me when I was growing up and you are still doing it today.
You are the standard for other fathers to follow. I am proud to call you my Daddy. May God's blessings
continue to be upon you to bring you good health, peace and prosperity, in Jesus Name. Amen.


To My Anointed Man of God, Who covers me with love. Who makes me feel safe and secure. Who prays
for me and with me. Who provides for me and nutures me. Whose hands have brought healing into my
life. God gave me His best when He gave you to me. May the Lord perfect that which concerns you. May
the legacy of a father that you leave behind resound for generations to come. May you be endued with
more power from on high.

Fa9 - To A Son

We watch you and admire the godly man and father that you have become. We pray for you and your
family to continue to abound in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May your barns always
be filled to the overflow. May your children rise up and say that they are blessed because they have a
father like you.


I'm glad that the Lord has set aside a day just to honor you. You are special to me. You have always been
a good father and provider. Even when you were busy, you always had time for me. You've caused me to
feel safe and secure. Lord rain showers of your love upon my father right now. Order his steps so that he
doesn't slip, stumble or fall. Keep him safe in your everlasting arms, in Jesus Name. Amen.


I honor you as a husband and father. Our love has brought life into this world. I could not have raised our
children alone. I need you. You are God's gift to me. Today allow me to show you how much I truly love you.


You are God's design for my life. I am so proud to call you my husband. You complete me spirit, soul, and
body. Our love has been tried, tested, and found pure. We stand together on a firm foundation, the Rock.
For the sacrifices you have made for your family, may the Lord fulfill every desire of your heart. Father
touch your son right now even as he reads this card. Give him a fresh anointing of your love, your peace,
and your joy. Bless him to the overflow, in Jesus Name. Amen.


You are our father. You bring a special joy and peace into our lives. You are a man of honor and integrity.
You uphold the word of truth with a pure conscience. We are glad that there is a day set aside to honor
you. We pray that God will continue to bless you with good health, long life, peace, and prosperity, in
Jesus Name. Amen.


I Thank God for giving me such a wonderful husband and father. Your submission to Christ has made it
easy for me to submit to you. Indeed our marriage is founded on the Rock.  Your sacrifice and dedication
has not gone unnoticed. May the Lord who has seen your good works reward you openly. Father rain
your tangible blessings upon your son right now as he reads this card. Bless him to the overflow, in
Jesus Name. Amen.


You are a good husband and father. There are many things that I could say but the most important is
that I love you deeply. You are God's gift to me and God doesn't make mistakes. It is my prayer that our
love will grow stronger with every New Year. May the Lord shine his goodness upon you this Father's
Day. May he continue to bless you with longevity, peace and prosperity in every area of your life.


You are a treasure from God and the best father anyone here on earth could ever have. Thank you for
always covering me in your prayers. Thank you for all the encouragement that you have given me for it
has shaped the course of my life. May our Father who is in heaven, rain down blessings upon you this
day and always.

Fa17 - Respect, Love, Intelligence, Leadership, Patience, Father, Honor, Priest,
Courage, Endurance, Faithful, King

You are all of these things and so much more! God has given you the tongue of the learned and wisdom.

May He continue to give you more. You are a mighty vessel of God full of His anointing and you have

poured out so much to others. May your cruse of oil never run dry. Thank you for being a blessing to my life.

H a p p y   F a t h e r ' s   D a y !

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